Hi, I’m Blair. I help brands turn expertise, authority and trust into revenue.

Welcome to my personal web site.

I’m a seasoned digital marketer with over 15 years experience in professional SEO capacities, both in-house and at client-facing agencies.

Before that, I learned SEO through building and scaling a content site business in the mid-2000s around MySpace and other early social networking tools. It was a lot of fun.

I parlayed that experience into my first professional SEO gig in 2008 and haven’t looked back.

Currently, I’m a Principal Marketing Strategist at Launch That, a digital marketing startup and content publisher in Orlando, FL.

I also publish content daily for business owners and other digital marketing professionals on Twitter about growing E-A-T.

Before that I worked for a number of digital marketing agencies in New York City and Northern New Jersey, including Digitas Health (a Publicis agency) and Boomerang Pharma (now part of Accenture), as well as a startup agency where I was marketing employee #1.

You can read more about what I’m up to now here.

Or you can get in touch with me through Twitter, LinkedIn or E-mail.

Brands I’ve Worked With