What I’m Doing Now


Right now, I’m working on a few main tracks professionally.

I work full-time as a Principal Marketing Strategist for Launch That, a digital marketing company and content site publisher in Orlando, FL. I spend most of my time working on strategies to grow traffic and revenue to our financial brands, namely Annuity.org and RetireGuide. This takes up most of my traditional working hours. It’s been a fantastic experience doing “in-house” marketing again, after working in agency environments for so long. And it’s a great company with a fun, smart, inquisitive group of people. It’s probably the most fun I’ve ever had working in a corporate environment.

I also write extensively on Twitter for business owners and other digital marketers about how to grow expertise, authority and trust online that translates into success with SEO. For now, my goal is to build an audience of people interested in what I have to say and building up my writing habit by showing up every day, after not writing regularly for a long time.

Lastly, I’m starting to take on select consulting opportunities, so long as they’re not in conflict with brands I already work on. If you’re serious about growing your E-A-T and interested in partnering with me to help you cross the “credibility chasm” in your market to grow your brand’s organic traffic and revenue, please reach out. I’ll let you know my availability on an hourly basis. (I am not interested in other full-time opportunities; see the first paragraph!)

One more thing: if you’re in the industry and want to chat or jam out about anything, don’t hesitate to contact me either via e-mail or through Twitter. Always happy to chat with smart, curious, growth-oriented people from all walks of life. I try to answer every e-mail and Twitter DM I get.


Aside from marketing-related stuff, I spend a lot of time reading about:

  • Technology & Startups
  • Science
  • Economics
  • Where the world is heading generally

I also recently started making electronic music with Logic Pro X. It’s very challenging and I’m extremely bad at it! But it’s fun. It’s nice to have a creative outlet that doesn’t involve striving and making money.

Lastly, I continue to spend an inordinate amount of time watching mostly dysfunctional sports teams. But I’m trying to make this less of a focal point in my life. Maybe one of them will win a championship one day. One can dream. 😆

Page inspired by Derek Sivers